
AI for Educators Blueprint by Noah Johnson Ed.D., Vivian Mitchell MPH 2023

2023.10.13: bk.cyb/ai/edu/
Noah Johnson Ed.D., Vivian Mitchell MPH 2023`Educators Blueprint:

. a brief review of the book:

Noah Johnson Ed.D., Vivian Mitchell MPH 2023`

The AI for Educators Blueprint: 

81 Ways to Skyrocket Student Success, Reclaim Hours in Your Day, 

& Revolutionize Your Classroom Safely and Equitably

(ChatGPT Prompt Guide + AI Integration Framework) 


Timnit Gebru and Margaret Mitchell on AI Accountability

2023.4.24: news.cyb/ai/
Timnit Gebru and Margaret Mitchell on AI Accountability

. late 2020 and early 2021, two researchers 

— Timnit Gebru and Margaret Mitchell — 

were given special attention

after they authored a research paper

addressing flaws in today's AI systems.

[James Vincent Apr 19, 2023]



WebGPU: a significant web technology

2023.4.20: news.cyb/dev.net/WebGPU/
introducing a significant web technology:

. this is a revision of WebGPU news from

François Beaufort, Corentin Wallez April 6, 2023



Pythagorean Theorem proof based on Law of Sines independent of the Pythagorean identity

2023.3.30: news.math/
Pythagorean Theorem proof based on Law of Sines
independent of the Pythagorean identity:

the American Mathematical Society:


. for the 2000 years since trigonometry was discovered

it's always been assumed that any alleged proof of 

Pythagoras’s Theorem based on trigonometry

must be circular

-- that all the fundamental formulae of trigonometry

are themselves based upon

the truth of the Pythagorean Theorem.

But Ne’Kiya D Jackson and Calcea Rujean Johnson

from St. Mary's Academy High School

present a new proof of Pythagoras’s Theorem


The Art Of Note Taking by Thinknetic.net 2022

 22.11.19: bk.adds/doc/Thinknetic 2022`The Art Of Note Taking: 

. this is a brief review of the book:

Thinknetic 2022`The Art Of Note Taking: 

Your Research-Based Guide To Taking Notes That Will Stick To Your Memory


. the writer is Dianna Aquino,

a teacher with a doctorate, who was an honor student.

. the thinknetic.net founder is Michael Meisner.

5-star/surprised by benefits of handwriting:


Amazon CodeWhisperer and Microsoft Github Copilot:

2022.7.4: news.adds/dev/CASE/
Amazon CodeWhisperer and Microsoft Github Copilot:


. AI is being used for CASE

(computer-assisted software engineering).

. it is being trained on opensource code

and then applies techniques used by that code

to the specific needs of your code.

. the resulting code is free of any licensing agreements

because is considered fair use 

unless the software ideas are protected by patents

rather than merely copyright or copyleft.

. Amazon CodeWhisperer may be able to tell you

the license of the project its ideas were lifted from,

but Microsoft Github Copilot claims all its code

is sourced from and licensed by an AI, 

not from the projects that the AI studied.











openstax.org free college textbooks

 2022.7.2: news.adds/edu/
openstax.org/free college textbooks

I list about 80% of the openstax books

that were of the most interest to me

and organized some in the order that

I read them during college,

or will read them in the future.


@joboaler youcubed.org getting all kids inspired by math

 2022.5.9: news.adds/math/edu/
@joboaler youcubed.org getting all kids inspired by math:


Stanford Mathematics Education Professor 


Jo Boaler, promotes inclusive math training

that shows all kids they have a brain for math.

. her resources include the website youcubed.org

that includes a free online student course.


. she has several videos explaining her way,

along with many books.



c# type identifiers should be capitalized to protect future keywords

4.12: news.adda/lang/c#/
type identifiers should be capitalized to protect future keywords:

. when you are working with an evolving language,

you run the risk of creating identifiers

that the language will later want to use as keywords, 

reserved by the system.

. to support backward compatibility

if your language has a syntax like C#,

the only conflict is going to be when it is

your type identifiers that have become keywords,

because for all other identifiers

context can determine whether the keyword

has a system versus a local meaning.

. C# keywords will always be lower-case letters,

thus, your type identifiers must include

some upper-cased or non-alphabet characters,

or type identifiers should all be capitalized.


pioneers of the abstract data type or object-oriented modularization

2021.7.21..8.19: news.adda/lang/
pioneers of the abstract data type or object-oriented modularization/
Wirth 1979`founders of abstract data type were C.A.R. Hoare, P. Brinch Hansen:

. I had recently heard prof Liskov 2013

explaining how she was the origin of the ADT

(abstract data type) back in 1971

when she was working on the Venus system;


but prof Wirth 1979 claims the idea came from

C.A.R. Hoare and P. Brinch Hansen;

however, he gives no details or a date.

. about the same time that Liskov was working on Venus

David L. Parnas was mentioning "information hiding" 

referring to object-oriented modules

being preferred to functional decomposition.


user-defined painting tools

 21.7.16: adde/graphics/user-defined painting tools:

. all the painting tools in the graphics editor

come with high-level instructions (adda code)

that users can copy and modify 

for coding their own tools.

. your brush can have a parameters page of your own design 

not just the usual tool width, flow density, etc.

. each tool is launching a subprogram

that can have any number of novel parameters.


Dr.Barbara Liskov`the software crisis averted with modularity based on data abstraction

21.6.10:  7.12: news.adda/lang/

Dr.Barbara Liskov`the software crisis averted with modularity based on data abstraction:

. the key to programming in the large 

is modularity based on data abstraction

and that was not obvious before her work,

but now her work is mainstream, so it now seems obvious.


astrophysics Dr.Adam Becker`What is Real? Bohm!

 2021.1.7: phy/astrophysics Dr.Adam Becker`What is Real?:

lecture at google --has transcript:


40m: Bell supports Bohm 

--this is exciting: must get this book!

Adam Becker, PhD is an astrophysicist and science writer. 

His new book explores the

history of quantum foundations

and the questions that remain to be answered.


what Intel calls Control-flow Enforcement Technology

20.10.8: addx/what Intel calls

 Control-flow Enforcement Technology:

10.8, 10.9, 10.14: addx/protecting the call stack:

[@] was addx/soa/getting more efficiency along with safety/protecting the call stack

getting more efficiency along with safety from #SOA

20.9.25: addx/soa/

getting more efficiency along with safety:

10.19: summary:

. soa (service oriented architecture)

is expensive when it intervenes 

every call to a subprogram;

instead of calling soa mgt for every call,

we shouldn't be worried about an app making 

internal calls to parts of the same app

by the same author with the same privileges.

. a complement of soa controlling the calls,

is stack isolation controlling the returns.

keywords "this", "self", "returned" for adda

 20.10.28: adda/lexicon/this, self, returned:

a discussion about adding keywords to the language.

graphics editor ideas inspired by painting apps

adde/graphics 2020.12.20 .. 12.31


total formal verification is not possible in 2020

'20.11.3: co.quora/adds/cyb/sec/total formal verification is not possible in 2020:

current efforts at formal verification

cannot yet find all unknown vulnerabilities in software:

. as pointed out by the SeL4 team, in

What is Proved and What is Assumed

who used formal verification to debug a microkernel,

they are still vulnerable to inaccuracies of the hardware model;

ie, assuming the hardware acts a particular way

when under special conditions it actually does something else.

. some CPU chip instructions are reprogrammable by the manufacturer

with on-chip microcode; eg Intel Microcode


this could either make the CPU more correct

or make it vulnerable to malicious modification?

. also, there was some of the SeL4 software

that was not practically verifiable yet:

"there may still be faults remaining in

specific low-level parts of the kernel

(TLB, cache handling, handwritten assembly, boot code)."


the first automation was written language

2020.7.28..31: adds/cs/the first automation was written language:
here is what humans have over other animals:
. our language uses symbols that can entirely describe
our understanding of the world;
and our understanding of the world is so vast
that we can survive without adapting our genome
by engineering environmental adaptations.
. also,
language in its written form is
more important than speech (the verbal form);
because it represents a form of automation of our memory;
giving us not only communication
but a virtually infinite memory size.
. the first reliable computations involved
writing the steps of an algorithm
so that we could automate the part of our mind
that remembered each step and their ordering.


chromebook accommodating visual impairments

19.12.4: cyb/chrome/accommodating visual impairments:
. here are chromebook features for
when the eyes have trouble reading.
. select-to-speak can say selected text,
at least in the browser.
. if you can see only large text,
the docked magnifier works well;
also handy is the (shift control +)
screen resolution
(system menu/setting/device/display/
internal display/display size).


12 p.m. is noon

19.11.17: engl/12pm is noon:
. the way to see that 12 p.m. is noon
rather than midnight;
is to realize that 12 on the clock
is actually the clock's name for 0;
and, 0pm is the start of pm (afternoon),
so 12pm is noon.


Python library for robotic simulation using the MuJoCo engine

17.11.6: news.cs/robotics/
Python library for robotic simulation using the MuJoCo engine:
OpenAI 2017.6:
open-sourcing a high-performance Python library
for robotic simulation using the MuJoCo engine,
developed over our past year of robotics research.
This library is one of our core tools for
deep learning robotics research,
which we’ve now released as a major version of mujoco-py,
our Python 3 bindings for MuJoCo.
. mujoco-py uses data parallelism through OpenMP
and direct-access memory management through
Cython [C translator] and NumPy [math pkg]
to make batched simulation more efficient.


Intel's lack of documentation stalled MINIX

11.21: news.cyb/adds/doc/Intel's lack of documentation stalled MINIX:
. in an IEEE Computer interview,
[ieeeComputerSociety 2014]
Tanenbaum revealed he designed MINIX when
AT&T closed the source for Unix Version 7
and they could no longer use it
when teaching about the design of an OS.
. but it kept crashing until he heard a rumor
(nothing in the documentation mentioned it)
that the Intel chip when overheating
was causing an interrupt 15.
If his student Robert hadn't revealed the interrupt,
"there would have been no MINIX" he said.


common core math's subtraction

10.20: web.math/common core math/has new subtraction:
. the new way is realizing a subtraction problem
is asking you to measure the distance between 2 numbers;
You do that, in turn, by measuring the distance between
landmarks (easy, round numbers).

phys.org 2015:
we all do arithmetic like this in our heads all the time.
Say you are buying a scone at a bakery for breakfast
and the total price is US$2.60.
You hand the cashier a $10 bill. How much change do you get?
Now, you do not perform the standard algorithm in your head.
You first note that you'd need another
40 cents to get to the next dollar, making $3,
and then you'd need $7 to get up to $10,
so your change is $7.40.

called the counting up subtraction method.
from the smaller number
count up to the nearest 10, 100, etc;
to that add the largest number's smaller digits.