
globalizing #SOA with web services

 1.30: web: cs/soa/globalizing SOA with web services
Filtering to Inspect XML: an Operational Framework for
Service Oriented Architecture Network Security

www.tacoma.uw.edu ... rbunge.pdf
Robert Bunge1, Sam Chung1, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky2, Don McLane1
1 Computing & Software Systems; Institute of Technology
University of Washington, Tacoma
{rbunge, chungsa, dmclane}@u.washington.edu
2 Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
University of Washington, Seattle

1.30: summary of this paper:

#SOA -- where is #security today?

1.29: web.cs/soa/where is security today?:
. I was looking for updates on
how SOA is preventing malware;
instead, I find this claim about SOA's vulnerabilities:
"( Modern buffer overflows are more difficult to exploit
than Aleph One's
smashing the stack for fun and profit.
You should look into modern bypasses to ASLR
such as heap spraying or heap feng shui.
Attacks like jmp2reg (jmp2esp jump2ebx ect...)
are also interesting for bypasses for ASLR.
Attacking ActiveX components is fun.
I used H.D. Moore's AxMan with great success.
Here is the remote code execution exploit I found
using AxMan .
. Here are more exploits that I have written .
. The best fuzzer is by far PeachFuzz,
and writing some pit files for it
can be very fruitful research.
Buffer overflows and sql injection
are the most talked about,
but there are a couple hundred categories for vulnerabilities
and they are identified by CWE numbers.
Its worth exploring, I think it will surprise you
what NIST thinks a vulnerability is.
. that had nothing to do with SOA;
it should have been subtitled
"exploits you can avoid by using SOA" .

virtual C

1.11: adda/dstr/safe pointers/virtual C:
. adda's pointers can feature arithmetic exactly like c;
yet it can still remain safe because
the addresses are not absolute;
the pointers are actually actually just offsets .