
pioneers of the abstract data type or object-oriented modularization

2021.7.21..8.19: news.adda/lang/
pioneers of the abstract data type or object-oriented modularization/
Wirth 1979`founders of abstract data type were C.A.R. Hoare, P. Brinch Hansen:

. I had recently heard prof Liskov 2013

explaining how she was the origin of the ADT

(abstract data type) back in 1971

when she was working on the Venus system;


but prof Wirth 1979 claims the idea came from

C.A.R. Hoare and P. Brinch Hansen;

however, he gives no details or a date.

. about the same time that Liskov was working on Venus

David L. Parnas was mentioning "information hiding" 

referring to object-oriented modules

being preferred to functional decomposition.


user-defined painting tools

 21.7.16: adde/graphics/user-defined painting tools:

. all the painting tools in the graphics editor

come with high-level instructions (adda code)

that users can copy and modify 

for coding their own tools.

. your brush can have a parameters page of your own design 

not just the usual tool width, flow density, etc.

. each tool is launching a subprogram

that can have any number of novel parameters.


Dr.Barbara Liskov`the software crisis averted with modularity based on data abstraction

21.6.10:  7.12: news.adda/lang/

Dr.Barbara Liskov`the software crisis averted with modularity based on data abstraction:

. the key to programming in the large 

is modularity based on data abstraction

and that was not obvious before her work,

but now her work is mainstream, so it now seems obvious.


astrophysics Dr.Adam Becker`What is Real? Bohm!

 2021.1.7: phy/astrophysics Dr.Adam Becker`What is Real?:

lecture at google --has transcript:


40m: Bell supports Bohm 

--this is exciting: must get this book!

Adam Becker, PhD is an astrophysicist and science writer. 

His new book explores the

history of quantum foundations

and the questions that remain to be answered.