
user-defined painting tools

 21.7.16: adde/graphics/user-defined painting tools:

. all the painting tools in the graphics editor

come with high-level instructions (adda code)

that users can copy and modify 

for coding their own tools.

. your brush can have a parameters page of your own design 

not just the usual tool width, flow density, etc.

. each tool is launching a subprogram

that can have any number of novel parameters.


Dr.Barbara Liskov`the software crisis averted with modularity based on data abstraction

21.6.10:  7.12: news.adda/lang/

Dr.Barbara Liskov`the software crisis averted with modularity based on data abstraction:

. the key to programming in the large 

is modularity based on data abstraction

and that was not obvious before her work,

but now her work is mainstream, so it now seems obvious.