
implicit declare block complication

4.6: adda/cstr/declare block/
complication of being implicit:

. the problem with not needing a
special symbol for declare block,
is that if I happen to be in a parenthetical
but I was declaring a var meant to belong to the enclosing body,
then under the current system,
the fact that I've made a var declaration in a parenthetical
has converted that a declare .
. the way out of this is to use a path name
to show where the declaration is being made:
( ../belongsToEnvirons.t;  ).
. there was also the idea of typing the parenthetical
in order to declare it to be a namespace,
so then untyped parentheticals would not be
deallocating what was declared within them .

1 comment:

  1. 12.8.27: mis.adda/cstr/declare blocks/
    colon syntax misunderstood:
    . the syntax for declare block should be (.int; ), not (.int: )
    [it doesn't make sense unless you're saying
    the int is getting a const initial value;
    to say you're not initializing right away,
    you would use a terminator syntax like the (;)].
    . also,
    avoid colons where not needed
    eg we need an (else ) not (else:)
    b? x else y . places to use colon:
    if b: x else y .
    b? # true: ; # false: ; )
