
list of online directories

4.18: news.adds/lib/directories:
. web directories for subject-specific searches:
classic dmoz (but no longer mozilla
-- owned by AOL Time Warner)
(become an editor)
classic yahoo
joeant (subject then rank sorted)
(apply to be accepted as an editor)
the best of blogs
the best of web (dinky)

skipping versioning for small edits

4.26: adde/versioning/skipping versioning for small edits:
. while inputting a string,
when the normal rules of versioning are in play,
stopping to do a correction should
cause the string input to be terminated,
then the new command is a string replace .

. one way around that is [word modify mode]
that can suspend the versioning system
until you are finished editing a particular word;
and, it reduces the damage of the modification
to just a particular word,
so that the versioning system is less needed . 5.13:
. it doesn't consider the word saved by versioning
until you are actually getting into the next word .


4.12: adds/versiwiki:
. in wikipedia we often see "citation needed";
this reminded me of a need for versioning;
the default version is completely referenced:
it hides everything that needs a citation,
or that has a citation that doesn't apply .
. if you want to see flagged content
(original work, contested material)
then you click the view-all button .
. we can also extend that idea
to have buttons for many versions:
show original content, or show controversial .
. when the controversial view is shown
it also shows the tags people have added:
pornographic, hate speech, ethnocentric, etc .

free online books

4.20: adds/lib/free books list
5.29: summary:
. I found a list of free academic books online,
and this is my reading list todo . :)