
@joboaler youcubed.org getting all kids inspired by math

 2022.5.9: news.adds/math/edu/
@joboaler youcubed.org getting all kids inspired by math:


Stanford Mathematics Education Professor 


Jo Boaler, promotes inclusive math training

that shows all kids they have a brain for math.

. her resources include the website youcubed.org

that includes a free online student course.


. she has several videos explaining her way,

along with many books.


Stanford Mathematics Education Professor Jo Boaler 2022:


Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential through

Creative Mathematics, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching

(Mindset Mathematics) 2nd Edition

. also author of teacher's aids for grades K..8:

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade {K-8}


and many other books.


. she is the Co-Founder and Faculty Director of youcubed

which contains research papers on math education,


and includes a free online student course.


. see her TEDx talks:


Jo’s Oxford TEDx 2017:


. learning math has been traumatic for many,

only because of the way it is taught.

. the latest brain science shows

the ways our brains process mathematics, 

the importance of visual learning

and believing in your ability to learn math.

Jo Boaler | TEDxStanford 2016


How you can be good at math.

Boaler's research:

Jo Boaler 2014 was the author of a

massive open online mathematics course

designed to test her teaching strategy.




[was part of 

Free online courses from Stanford University]


. that testing found Boaler's methods do make a difference:

Boaler 2014 was Principal Investigator

of a National Science Foundation Award:


Researching the impact of an online MOOC

designed to transform student engagement 

and achievement in mathematics.

. This project is designed to study a 

Massively Open Online Course (MOOC), 

expected to have approximately 2 million students, 

which will supplement middle grades mathematics classes.

Some of the key ideas in the course are:

Everyone can learn mathematics to high levels;

Mistakes, challenge and struggle 

are the best times for brain growth;

Depth of thinking is more important than speed;

Mathematics is a creative and beautiful subject;

Mathematics is all around us in life 

and is important.

The course has short videos interspersed with 

opportunities for students to reflect on the ideas, 

connect with other students in the course, 

and work on open-ended mathematics tasks

designed to shape students’ perceptions related to these core ideas. 


. Students who receive the treatment obtained 

0.18 standard deviation (SD) gains in 

SBAC(Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium)

math overall scale score; 

i.e., the average student in the experimental group

would score higher than 57% of the control group

that was initially equivalent.

more mentions of Boaler on nsf.gov:


prof Boaler was featured on BBC's 

educators changing the face of education.


the video with Professor Jo Boaler:


Boaler's 1997 book with a 2002 usa version:

Experiencing School Mathematics: 

Traditional and Reform Approaches To Teaching 

and Their Impact on Student Learning, 

Revised and Expanded Edition

(Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series) 



. reports on case studies of two schools

that taught mathematics in totally different ways,

to show the ways students' beliefs and understandings 

were shaped by the different approaches.

* looks at the ways in which "traditional" and

"reform oriented" mathematics teaching approaches

can impact student attitude, beliefs, and achievement;

* the effectiveness of different teaching methods 

in preparing students for the demands of

the "real world" and the 21st century;

* the impact of tracking and heterogeneous ability grouping; 

and gender and teaching styles

--the potential of different teaching approaches

for the attainment of equity.

The book draws some radical new conclusions about

the ways that traditional teaching methods lead to 

limited forms of knowledge

that are ineffective in non-school settings.

This edition has been revised for the 

North American market 

to show the relevance of the study results 

in light of the U.S. reform movement, the "math wars" 


and debates about teachers, assessment, and tracking. 

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