
google'code fully supporting mercurial repositories

2.7: proj.addn/net.g'code/getting started with hg repository:


. before figuring out that I could use hg instead of svn,
I did try the [Reset This Repository] for the addx project:
Did you just start this project
and do you want to 'svnsync' content
from an existing repository into this project? yes:
Resetting the repository will delete
everything in the repository and its history.
This includes project wiki files.
Reset this project's Subversion repository
from revision 1 to revision 0.
A project owner can then use the svnsync tool to upload existing code history.
. Mercurial an option for all yet? yes:
Convert your project from Subversion to Mercurial
1. Go to project/Administer tab/Source tab
[eg, mine is https://code.google.com/p/addx/adminSource]
2. Change the repository type to Mercurial
* Root directory: /
* Trunk directory: /trunk
--[ change this to empty because my current repo
is empty so /trunk doesn't exist .]
. all projects were converted to hg repo's:
for add* in {addx, adda, adde, addm}:
default: https://add*.googlecode.com/hg/
wiki: https://wiki.add*.googlecode.com/hg/

. now the source page confirms I'm with hg:
get a local copy of the add* repository with this command:
hg clone https://add*.googlecode.com/hg/ add*

easy downloads
. use the Downloads tab to upload compressed files.
(eg, mine is https://code.google.com/p/addx/downloads/entry)
. choose the file names carefully
as you cannot change it later. [except by deletion]
[. the downloads could be
the easiest way for everything:
. doing doc's by wiki is ok on a netbook,
but if you have a prefered html editor,
the best way by far to distribute doc's
is to simply zip the folder structure into
one downloadable book .
. if working alone, then this is the way to
keep your source code in any repo system you want
(eg, you could migrate from hg to git);
however, the problem with monolithic downloads
is not being able to update them incrementally:
it gets expensive on bandwidth
to re-upload the entire thing for each revision .]
. predefined download labels useage
was a mystery to me for now ...
[2.28: perhaps becomes obvious during an upload .]

todo: [2.28: done] uploading to g'code with a gui
. there is a how-to for using TortoiseSVN,
it needs to be adapted for use with Tortoisehg ....
[2.28: done with the help of tortoiseHg tutorial]
. find your google'code ID in your project's home page,
eg, for project addx, home is:
at the bottom it tells the owner's name:
-- mine's dr.addn, as seen here:
. to find your assigned g'code password
see g'code's "Settings" tab .
. In Windows explorer, [on the mac? try vmware]
right click in your repo' directory's context menu,
and choose TortoiseHg/Repository Settings/Sync.tab/add.button
and then the dialog is obvious about filling in
your g'code hg repo contact details:
( URL: https://addx.googlecode.com/hg/ (for the addx project)
, user: dr.addn
, password: (see http://code.google.com/hosting/settings)
. now to do the uploading to your hg repo' at g'code,
right click n your local repo' directory's context menu,
to get TortoiseHg/Synchronize .
. the dialog will have a line that says:
[repo:][bundle:][(repo' pull-down menu)] post pull:[(pull-down menu)]

. when you pull down the [(repo' pull-down menu)]
you will see the contact details you filled in during
context`menu/TortoiseHg/Repository Settings/Sync.tab/add.button
mine looks like this:
(the *** represents the password you entered) .
. select it to make it show in the menu .
. now at the top of the dialog is the push.button;
ie, a button that launches the Push command;
pushing your local repo's state into your g'code repo .

tortoiseSVN is still there
. here's a google-authored page for
using g'code with tortoise svn instead of hg .
. it recommends an svn client for mac too .
[2.28: I'm using tortoiseHg on the mac via vmware
which allows windows to run in a mac window .]

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