
cocoa dev'ing

1.13: web.addn/dev.mac/singh`os x internals:
explore more:

1.23: pos.addn/dev.mac/cocoa:
. with example code being available,
the best bet is to find examples of
{web browser, text and graphics editor}
then find doc's of all classes used by them .

A number of Applications have been
removed from the App Store
on the basis that they allegedly
infringed a pre-existing trademark.
1.31: mis:
. I'm just glad I haven't come to that bridge yet;
the worry associated with hooded judges at App store
seems daunting .

An iPhone application for sending accelerometer data
from your iPhone/iPod touch to your development computer
for using accelerometer inside the iPhone simulator.
Let's you develop and debug applications that require accelerometer
without running the application on the device.
Can also be used to create desktop applications
utilizing the iPhone accelerometer as control.
Uses UDP broadcast/unicast for sending data,
so you can even have multiple senders/receivers at the same time.
todo.addn/dev.mac#iphone/automation onboard:
. did I really hear right that iphone disallows
scripting engines?
does it already have something like automator?
maybe if it had an applescript engine
they could use an adda->applescript compiler
. iphone does have automator .

1.31: web.addn/dev.mac#iphone.scratch:
Scratch Forums / Scratch on iPhone? yes:

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