10.1.31: news.addx/scratch.mit.edu
. filling out the form to get updates about Scratch:
School or Organization: Americium Dream Documents
Role: Researcher
Where did you hear about Scratch?
Can you build a visual (touch based)What interests you about Scratch?
programming environment like Scratch?
cp4e (computer programming for everyone)
Anything else you want to share about your background or related experience?
addx -- a secure and friendly system
that promotes computing as a universal 2nd language
free {pc, mac} downloads with tons of support
Scratch Installer For Mac OS X (MacScratch1.4.dmg)
Scratch Installer for Windows (ScratchInstaller1.4.exe)
. user doc's include the support page's links:
getting started page
release notes
Getting Started Guide (pdf)
new user forum
other forum pages (28,400 pages)
learnscratch.org (115 pages)
Scratch Reference Guide
Scratch Cards
Videos about Scratch
Scratch 1.4: Beginner's Guide ($32 book)
Scratch Programming for Teens ($20 book)
[. if you are redistributing an official copy,
or pointing at where to get it, then ]
you can include a description of Scratch
and the Scratch logo:

"Scratch, a project of MIT Media Lab's
Lifelong Kindergarten group,
makes it easy to program your own
interactive stories, games, and animations
-- and share your creations on the web.
As you create and share projects with Scratch,
you learn to think creatively,
reason systematically,
and work collaboratively .
It is available for free download
from scratch.mit.edu .
scratch reviews in the news
Research Papers and Presentations
Scratch: Programming for All. Communications of the ACM, November 2009 (pdf)
What video game making can teach us about learning and literacy:
Alternative pathways into participatory cultures. (pdf)
Alternative pathways into participatory cultures. (pdf)
All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking)
I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten. (pdf)
I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten. (pdf)
Creative coding: The role of art and programming
in the K-12 educational context. (pdf)
in the K-12 educational context. (pdf)
2005 Some Reflections on Designing Construction Kits for Kids. (pdf)
some confusion about linux sources
. no need to recompile if are using
a recent version of Ubuntu (7.x or 8.x).
However, if you do need to rebuild the binaries,
they have source code for the Squeak virtual machine
source code for the special Scratch plugins is available
at "(mks://localhost/Source_Code) ?
mks ? perhaps refers to this:
MKS Toolkit Vs. Cygwin: You Get What You Pay For - New
browser and other tools
inside the Squeak programming environment.
To get started,
first copy the Scratch application
( pc: "Scratch.exe"
, mac: "Scratch.app"
) from your normal Scratch folder
into the Scratch source code folder.
(The Scratch application is actually just a
Squeak virtual machine,
so any recent Squeak virtual machine should also work.)
Also, put a copy of the Squeak source code file
in that folder if needed
(this file is included in the zip file
starting with the 1.4 source release).
drop the file "ScratchSourceCode1.4.image"
onto the Scratch application.
The Squeak programming environment will start up,
allowing you to view and modify the Scratch source code.
Scratch is built on a modified Squeak 2.8 image .
That version of Squeak is documented at
the squeak.org site, and two books:
Mark Guzdial` "Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications"
and {Mark Guzdial, Kimberly Rose}`
"Squeak: Open Personal Computing and Multimedia"
Both the source code and pre-compiled binaries
for the Squeak virtual machine are available at www.squeakvm.org .
. classes that appear in the original Squeak 2.8 image
are covered by the Squeak license
while all code in the remaining classes is covered by the Scratch license.
The Scratch classes are easy to find in practice:
nearly all of them appear in the class categories starting with "Scratch-".
doc's for developers
. comments are embedded in the code
and see the Scratch project file format .
. both developers and users are finding personalized help
at the advanced forum;
eg, the great list of tips
-- many of these will someday make their way
into the official user doc's .
. researchers might also get help by contact form .
. the source code license includes certain restrictions
intended to avoid confusion between the Scratch product
and research projects built on the Scratch source code.
If members of the Scratch user community
stumble on a research project based on the Scratch code,
they should be able to tell at a glance
that it is not the Scratch product.
The Scratch Source Code License
[. it's like the GPL plus...]
. for non-commercial uses
. you cannot use the word "Scratch"
to refer to derivative works
(except in the phrase
"Based on Scratch from the MIT Media Laboratory"),
. you cannot use the Scratch logo
nor the official (copyrighted) Scratch cat;
you cannot implement the ability to upload projects
to any MIT Scratch website
. and see the full license in "license.txt"
included in the source code download package.
2003 NSF grant Proposal:
A Networked, Media-Rich Programming Environment
to Enhance Technological Fluency
at After-School Centers in Economically-Disadvantaged Communities. (pdf)
educator doc's
getting started for educators
1-page overviews:
Creating with Scratch (pdf)
Learning with Scratch (pdf)
and Programming with Scratch (pdf) .
educator resources
educator forum
map of interested educators
Programming Concepts in Scratch (pdf)
. the computational concepts and skills
young people can develop .
Scratch and 21st Century Learning Skills (pdf)
. the learning skills young people can develop .
Learning by Designing (pdf)
. design-based approaches to learning .
find doc's in your language
--. some have their own websites:
( portuguese (6800 pages)
arabic.edu (400 pages)
hungarian (310 pages)
estonian (100 pages)
israeli.org (40 pages)
spanish.{org, educa}(25 pages)
dutch.{edu, org} (6 pages),
italian.com (1 page)
scratch openware
This source code release (4.8mb)
is based on the source code of Scratch 1.4
with a few changes [to conform to the license]
To view the source code,
just drop the .image file onto a Squeak virtual machine
(e.g. Scratch.exe or Scratch.app,
which come bundled with Scratch).
. source code for the Squeak virtual machine .
Scratch UI "Skin" resource:
The Scratch User Interface is a
ScratchFrameMorph.class`ScratchSkin.Dictionary .
. readSkinFrom(folder) can load the skin
from this skin folder download. (zip)
ScratchPlugin and UnicodePlugin source code (zip)
(for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux) .
ScratchPlugin for Squeak
is a shared C library that extends the Squeak VM
to support image filters, presentation mode, the help button, ... .
. UnicodePlugin lets Squeak support text rendering .
A Networked, Media-Rich Programming Environment
to Enhance Technological Fluency
at After-School Centers in Economically-Disadvantaged Communities. (pdf)
educator doc's
getting started for educators
1-page overviews:
Creating with Scratch (pdf)
Learning with Scratch (pdf)
and Programming with Scratch (pdf) .
educator resources
educator forum
map of interested educators
Programming Concepts in Scratch (pdf)
. the computational concepts and skills
young people can develop .
Scratch and 21st Century Learning Skills (pdf)
. the learning skills young people can develop .
Learning by Designing (pdf)
. design-based approaches to learning .
find doc's in your language
--. some have their own websites:
( portuguese (6800 pages)
arabic.edu (400 pages)
hungarian (310 pages)
estonian (100 pages)
israeli.org (40 pages)
spanish.{org, educa}(25 pages)
dutch.{edu, org} (6 pages),
italian.com (1 page)
scratch openware
This source code release (4.8mb)
is based on the source code of Scratch 1.4
with a few changes [to conform to the license]
To view the source code,
just drop the .image file onto a Squeak virtual machine
(e.g. Scratch.exe or Scratch.app,
which come bundled with Scratch).
. source code for the Squeak virtual machine .
Scratch UI "Skin" resource:
The Scratch User Interface is a
ScratchFrameMorph.class`ScratchSkin.Dictionary .
. readSkinFrom(folder) can load the skin
from this skin folder download. (zip)
ScratchPlugin and UnicodePlugin source code (zip)
(for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux) .
ScratchPlugin for Squeak
is a shared C library that extends the Squeak VM
to support image filters, presentation mode, the help button, ... .
. UnicodePlugin lets Squeak support text rendering .
some confusion about linux sources
. no need to recompile if are using
a recent version of Ubuntu (7.x or 8.x).
However, if you do need to rebuild the binaries,
they have source code for the Squeak virtual machine
source code for the special Scratch plugins is available
at "(mks://localhost/Source_Code) ?
mks ? perhaps refers to this:
MKS Toolkit Vs. Cygwin: You Get What You Pay For - New
. source code is best explored using the$479 MKS Toolkit for Developers is a Windows development product
for software, script, and Web developers,
who can choose from command-line
or graphical Visual Studio® build environments.
It is ideal for developing common, cross-platform scripts
for UNIX, Linux, and Windows,
from a single Windows desktop.
Using the power of more than 300
command-line utilities, and CGI scripts.
browser and other tools
inside the Squeak programming environment.
To get started,
first copy the Scratch application
( pc: "Scratch.exe"
, mac: "Scratch.app"
) from your normal Scratch folder
into the Scratch source code folder.
(The Scratch application is actually just a
Squeak virtual machine,
so any recent Squeak virtual machine should also work.)
Also, put a copy of the Squeak source code file
in that folder if needed
(this file is included in the zip file
starting with the 1.4 source release).
drop the file "ScratchSourceCode1.4.image"
onto the Scratch application.
The Squeak programming environment will start up,
allowing you to view and modify the Scratch source code.
Scratch is built on a modified Squeak 2.8 image .
That version of Squeak is documented at
the squeak.org site, and two books:
Mark Guzdial` "Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications"
and {Mark Guzdial, Kimberly Rose}`
"Squeak: Open Personal Computing and Multimedia"
Both the source code and pre-compiled binaries
for the Squeak virtual machine are available at www.squeakvm.org .
. classes that appear in the original Squeak 2.8 image
are covered by the Squeak license
while all code in the remaining classes is covered by the Scratch license.
The Scratch classes are easy to find in practice:
nearly all of them appear in the class categories starting with "Scratch-".
doc's for developers
. comments are embedded in the code
and see the Scratch project file format .
. both developers and users are finding personalized help
at the advanced forum;
eg, the great list of tips
-- many of these will someday make their way
into the official user doc's .
. researchers might also get help by contact form .
. the source code license includes certain restrictions
intended to avoid confusion between the Scratch product
and research projects built on the Scratch source code.
If members of the Scratch user community
stumble on a research project based on the Scratch code,
they should be able to tell at a glance
that it is not the Scratch product.
The Scratch Source Code License
[. it's like the GPL plus...]
. for non-commercial uses
. you cannot use the word "Scratch"
to refer to derivative works
(except in the phrase
"Based on Scratch from the MIT Media Laboratory"),
. you cannot use the Scratch logo
nor the official (copyrighted) Scratch cat;
you cannot implement the ability to upload projects
to any MIT Scratch website
. and see the full license in "license.txt"
included in the source code download package.
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