. from looking at the F35 project,
it seems like c has won the war with Ada;
and, that got me realizing that
much of what I like about Ada
could be transferred to c .
. the essential Ada features could be introduced
just like the enum types were;
perhaps some version could try
the same route that c++ did:
"(this is a superset);
the industry really went wild for that .
4.15: Atego’s Aonix ObjectAda:
Military Embedded Systems`Editor's Choice award:
Atego’s Aonix ObjectAda Real-Time®
for Windows
targeting Intel x86 architectures
running Wind River’s VxWorks RTOS
Atego is the recent merger between4.30: web.addn/dev.ada/online studies:
Artisan Software Tools and Aonix.
mission-critical systems
safety-critical systems
software development tools;
allows all teams
-- architecture, systems, software
and hardware engineering --
to [Work as One]SM
- from concept through to
delivery, maintenance and support.
Artisan Software Tools
. the world’s largest independent supplier of
industrial-grade, collaborative modeling tools
for complex, mission and safety-critical systems and software
Artisan Studio®, supports OMG SysML™, UML®
and Architectural Frameworks.
Aonix ObjectAda Real-Time
consists of a fully compliant
ACATS 2.5 Ada 95 compiler .
. Aonix ObjectAda for VxWorks leverages
the Eclipse-based Wind River Workbench .
Aonix PERC® secure java vm for embedded systems .
. searched site:faculty.cs.wwu.edu/reedyc/CS141_Spring_2005
and site:faculty.cs.wwu.edu ada
for ada study materials .