
naming syntax struggles

7.18: sci.adda/type naming confused with file names:
. if type names and file paths
can be used in the same places,
then the type name"(/.T) (ptr to type"T)
could be confused with
a root folder containing
a file having a null name and ext"type .

7.21: adda/url syntax:
. my revised url syntax differed by
using dos drive letters as domain names,
C:\ was //C.drive/
and anything in the .drive domain
was a subdomain of .local;
eg, //mypc.local/E.drive
is a typical dos volume .
. while dos does auto-assign
labels to drives,
the software on dos can also
assign labels to a
subfolder on a drive .
. since std url's use the "file " protocol
to mean a local space,
could file be the name for {drives, subdir's}?
eg, //c.file/ ?
file is an obvious protocol only within
the syntax of file:// .
. if you change the syntax or omit it,
the meaning naturally reverts to std english:
eg, c.file is a file!
. even if a label is pointing to a subdir,
app's still think it's a drive,
so stick with the use of .drive .
. whether unix or dos,
the machine can be reached by .local;
if dos and a drive is not specified
then c.drive is assumed to be root .

web.adda/golang/case-for-visibility rule:
. an exported identifier must
begin with an upper-case letter .
7.25: web: case-for-visibility advantages
> In my brain:
> - lower case = Common, normal things. Normal words.
> - Upper Case = Unique, special things. Name of unique thing.
> - ALL UPPERCASE = Things need special care, a kind of warning.
"Rob 'Commander' Pike" Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010:
. in English, capital words are "proper nouns".
They're important, public things
like names and places.
The analogy with
public and private names inside a package
is a bit of a stretch
but does make sense.
Public things are more important,
and so they're capital.
The ability to
glance at a name in a package
and know, without finding its declaration
(or some keyword somewhere near the declaration)
that it is a publicly visible name,
is a great thing
that more than makes up for
the inability to use some of the styles you mention.

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