
enum.typed record domains

6.20: adda/dstr/enum.typed record domains:
. in classic lang's like c,
arrays had very different properties
than records .
. in a polymorphic languages however,
records can be more like arrays;
because, although their components vary in type,
the various types often have the same base type;
eg, all types can print their value, etc .
. and any time a record has at least
2 components of the same type,
it could make sense to specify components with
an expression rather than a literal name,
just as is done for arrays .
today's issue is this:
. in trying to unify the concepts of
arrays and records,
there needs to be a way for records to
express their component names as being
some enumeration-type's subrange;
and then, conversely,
any time a record r declares its components' names,
that should induce an enumeration type:
-- I'm using the term "(domain) because
arrays and records are like functions;
and, functions in math are known to
input values from a domain type
and output values from a codomain type;
ie, f: domain -> codomain;
or, in adda:
function f(x.domain).codomain,
array A#(domain).codomain
record R.(r1.co1, r2.co2, r3.co3);
R`domain = {r1, r2, r3};
R`codomain = {co1.type, co2.type, co3.type},

. assume there's the enumeration
e.type: {r1, r2, r3};
how should a record say its domain = e ?

R.(r1.co1, r2.co2, r3.co3);
R`domain`= e ?
[6.23: yes,
that lets the record be defined in the usual way,
and then also say that the domain is
not a new declaration,
but rather a reuse of some existing enum.type .]

. one thing that wouldn't work is this:
R#(e).{co1.type, co2.type, co3.type} ?
-- that would instead be saying
R is an array of enum;
and each var's possible values
are in the set:
{co1.type, co2.type, co3.type}.
--. this could be useful for when
writing programs that write programs:
many of the values they're concerned about
are parts of languages, including types .

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