
numeric literals

5.12: adda/syntax/value literals:
. since numeric literals from an arbitrary base
will be using the usual symbols,
we could declare them to be a numeric sub type:
11.B = 2*1+1,
11.B8= 8*1+1,
11.H = 16*1+1 .
. however, that doesn't work because then we are
reserving that symbol for the number literals;
what we need is a way to say BEEF.someType,
and still be able to say BEEF(base16)
in the same context .
. I had previously noted that
[@] 5.10: mis.adda/type/number's base like a dimension?
math's traditional way for expressing base
is with a subscript, hence BEEF#16;
my problem with that was that it
precluded many symbols from being array names;
but, now I see it could still be possible
if we use type names instead of the base's number:
H.type: number; BEEF#H .
but that does get noisy when combining with arrays!
eg, BEEF# BEEF#H = BEEF#48879 .

number sign for value of a type:
. how about a new context notation
for accessing a type's value:
and then as a special case of that,
numeric bases are types:
eg, H#BEEF
-- not unlike Ada's  16#BEEF#;
but, we can't use 16#BEEF because
it's confusing when used as an array subscript:
eg, A# 16#10 ambiguously means either
A#(16,10) or A#(16#10) (returns an array) .

eg, B#10 for base 2, H#10 for hexadecimals,
O#10 for octals, and T#10 for tetroctals
(base 32 = 4*8 = tetra-oct-al = tetroctal).

review of multi-subscript arrays:
. AT.type: #.int; -- a named array type .
A#.AT; -- an array of array;
means the same as A#.#.int .
. then A is accessed as either A#i#j, or A#(i,j) .

currency sign for value literal spaces:
. another idea is that bases are not really subtypes,
so what we need is a new syntax for value literals:
. it could be like the above except replacing (#) with ($)
-- currency is the sign of value (as in worth);
eg, B$10 = 2, O$10 = 8, and H$10 = 16,
while $10 = still means usa cash;
but, $green can be an abbreviation for
color$green since green is obviously not a number .
. by having the option of using ($) on enumerations,
we can have separate name spaces for them,
so that I can use both the variable green
and the literal color $green in the same context .

TypeId#value vs ValueType$valueLiteral:
. types can be thought of as arrays of values,
so t#x evals x as one of t's values .
. B$10 = the value 10 as parsed by the binary value type .
Color#green works only if green is not redefined;
because in the expression (aType#x),
x can be any expression, not just a literal;
Color$green is always unambiguous;
because the ($) says what follows is
one of a type Color's literals .
.  RGB$(0,0,1) -- RGB color model for color literals .

5.10: mis.adda/type/number's base like a dimension?:

. can the notation indicating a number's base
be unified with the dimension system ?
not elegantly, because it confuses a concept:
. the number is a measure,
and the dimension indicates
which property is being measured;
in the case of the numeric base indicator,
it indicates how to parse the text .

. we need special syntax for an identifier
to differentiate a typed symbol
from a typed literal value;
the set of literals is indefinitely large from being
defined as a regular expression,
such that there are no identifiers left for symbols .

. numeric literals are from a reserved set of identifiers:
ie, no other symbols than numbers
can start with the digit characters;
but then in bases above 10,
the numeric literal can be confused with a symbol .
. notice too how bases share identifiers:
10 means something different in every base .
. therefore, each literal for non-default base
must have a syntax that says not only the base,
but the fact that this a numeric literal, not a symbol .

. the core system expects ( [, " ) to mean something special,
and all other symbols mean a symbol name .
. a string literal starts with (")
a numeric literal starts with a digit,
an operator symbol starts with non-alphanumeric;
and any other symbol starts with
([),(_), or an alphabetic .
-- literal expressions start with (')
but that's a 2nd meaning of literal because
other literals mean adda should neither parse nor eval,
whereas literal expressions should be parsed .

5.10:  adda/type/
defining value literals with regular expressions:

. the general way of handling expressions of literals
is to let the type mgt define it,
so numbers need not be part of the core lang at all,
instead being a module that comes with the core system .
. to generalize the way numeric type define literals,
a type mgt can defines its literals either as
enumerations or as regular expressions .
. but if type mgt's are handling all reading of literals,
then constants types aren't known by their assigned values;
because, the value could be a literal,
and no longer implies a particular type .
. one way the above idea could still be useful,
is in talking about compilers that are partial,
and are completed by importing a set of native types,
so then these native types complete the definition of the compiler;
eg, the compiler generator's job is to
analyze all the given native types,
making sure that their literal definitions
are not overlapping .
. it would be a lot simpler to stay classical,
and make some native literals be part of the core language .

5.10:  adda/type/review of dimension systems:
. a number can have 3 parts
qty, dimension of qty, and thing being measured:
3 liter water
-- water is a noun measurable by either
volume, mass, moles, or monetary value .
. dimensions are used by type physical;
the physical measure type includes  a pointer to
a symbol of type physical .

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