
benefits of unique context operator

8.19: adda/lexicon/benefits of unique context operator:
[8.20: intro
. in 2012.4, this "(::) was presented as a context operator
but it didn't give a specific reason:
"( confusing having syntax"(type`value)
when (`) already has a specific meaning: (x`f); ). ]
. even more than confusing,
it's name`space limiting:
if you have the syntax ( type`attribute ),
along with ( type`method ),
then the type authors are limited in
what they can name their methods
because it could clash with type attributes; [8.20:
eg, for enums there is an attribute named first;
eg, for bible.type: {last, first},
bible`first = last; -- this type's first value is "(last);
but if the context operation uses the same symbol,
then ( bible`first ) could mean either
the first value of the bible enumeration,
or the bible value named "(first).
. by having a separate context operator (eg, ::),
we can say ( bible`first = bible::last ).]

8.19: 11.15 .. 16: review the syntax:

obj.type(select a variant of this type)
-- declares obj to be of this type;
obj`= value -- object initialization;
type::value -- fully-qualified enumeration value;

obj.component -- public ivar;
type::.component -- public ivar's default initial value;
obj#(component expression) -- public ivar;
type::#(expr) -- public ivar's default initial value;

type.component -- public class var;
type#(component expression) -- public class var;

obj`body/local -- private ivars;
type`body/local -- private class vars;

obj`message(...);  -- instance message call;
obj`message`body -- instance message's body;
type::`message`body -- instance message's body;
type::`message -- instance message uninstantiated
( practically the same as type::`message`body );
type`attribute -- class message call;
function(obj) -- call to function of instance
(may or may not belong to an obj's type's interface);
type::subprogram -- full-qualified subprogram call;

type::function`body -- access function's body;
type`body/subprogram -- private class subprogram call;
obj`body/subprogram -- private instance subprogram call;
obj(expr) -- obj callable? apply('obj, expr);
function obj -- call with this obj

. notice there are separate namespaces for
{ value and function names
, .components
, `messages }; because,
components are found only after a dot,
and messages only after a backquote;
whereas, the namespace for value
is shared by that for functions;
otherwise, the parser would have problems:
both values and functions start with a name
but only functions expect the next lexel
to be the argument of that function:
# function x -> apply function to x;
# value x -> syntax error
( unless x is a binary operator
or value is numeric and x is a dimension ).
. therefore, for each unqualified name
it must be typed unambiguously as
either a function or a value, not both .

11.15: mis:
"(review the syntax:
type::value -- fully-qualified instance value
type::`message -- access message's body
type::function(...) -- access function's body
obj`body/local -- private ivars;
type`body/local -- private class vars;
type`attribute -- class message call;
) . sometimes it is using (type::x) to mean eval x,
but other times don't eval?
and then this:
type`body/local -- private class vars;
. the body of the function is within
the body of the type:
and the way to refer to the function uneval'd,
is to ask for the function's body:
type`body/function`body .
. but if the function is also visible from the interface
we could also write:
type::function`body .

11.16: clarification:
"( review the syntax:
type.component -- public class var;
obj.component -- public ivar;
type::.component -- public ivar's default initial value
) . an interface definition has syntax for
both class and instance public vars,
and these are accessed similarly,
being dotted with their respective objects:
obj.component -- public instance var;
type.component -- public class var .
. if you hadn't defined an instance yet,
and still wanted to refer to an instance's component,
that would be done with the type's context operator:
and, since there was no instance involved,
the only meaning it could logically have
is being the component's default initial value .

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