
go vs python from the trenches 2012

8.22: news.adda/go vs python from the trenches 2012:
Graham King:
Would I be happy working with Go as my
main language? Yes, I would.
It’s a joy to work with,
and I got productive very fast.
Am I using it instead of Python
for all my new projects?
No, There are two reasons for that.
Firstly, it’s a very young language,
so library availability is limited
(for example, I need curses).
Second, well, Python is just so amazing.
[but] I see the benefit of static typing.

If I was still doing Java, or (heaven forbid) C++,
I would invest heavily in Go.
It was designed to replace them, and it does that well.
Go’s sweet spot is building servers.
(it makes concurrency safer and easier)

Other claimed benefits of Go over Python
are that it’s faster, and it’s “better at scale”.
For some things I’ve done
Python has been faster .
[and] The biggest difference [in speed]
is probably [just] in how well I write the code.
[also] nothing I do is CPU bound.
The “better at scale” argument doesn’t really apply
to building web apps with Django.
We scale by adding servers,
and [Django supports programming-in-the-large
with small self-contained ‘apps’ ]
Steven (March 6, 2012 at 23:22)
You can get pretty close to a REPL
[an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop]
with goplay, [a web-based go compiler]
-- instead of interpreting, it compiles
[ go was designed for very fast compiling .]
Go is possible to daemonize.
You could use a sync.WaitGroup
to make main wait for any number of goroutines to exit .
But more directly, you can do the same thing by
adding this to the top of your program:
defer runtime.Goexit()
write CPython extensions with Go:
. goPy with gccgo .
Once the libraries and command-line tool are installed,
the "gopy" command-line tool
is generating the necessary C interface code;
and, then using gccgo will compile the code
into an extension module.

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