
concurrency both expressed and automated

8.23: adda/co/finding inherent concurrency automatically:
. how can we analyze a program in order to find
what parts of it can be done concurrently?
. at each step there are implicit inputs and outputs
for step#1, do I know its outputs?
for step#2 do I know its inputs?
(also, when step#1 makes calls,
do any of those calls modify any space that might be
needed by anything step#2 calls? ).
. if step#2's inputs don't intersect step#1's outputs,
then you can do both at the same time .
. to know these things, calls have to be
functional so that program space is obvious .

. when calls have multiple parameters,
the order of their evaluation is random;
which should be tantamount to saying
that parameters in the same tuple
can be run concurrently (co-runnable) .
. this also applies to all tuples that are at
the same level of an expression tree:
eg, in h( f(a,b), g(c,d) ), a,b,c,d are co.runnable .

. a low-level way to compare
subprogramming with coprogramming,
is that while any call could be seen as
a new {process, cpu} activation,
in subprogramming, after making a call,
it agrees to stop working until that call is done .

. often we can find that a group of operations
are all handled by the same type mgt, [11.17:
-- in fact, that is the definition of "(operation):
a subprogram that is outputting
the same type that it's inputting -- ]
so even though they are nested
you can send the whle thing in one call,
and, in that case,
the type mgt will know what's co.runnable .

8.23: todo.adda/co/review parasail's design:
. the parasail lang was able to parallelize implicitly a lot .
(see also comments of this page).

adda/co/explicit concurrency control:

. the abstraction to use for explicit concurrency control
is having a particular cpu called like a function:
cpu#n(subprogram, inputs, outputs)
-- the inputs are a copy of everthing sent to it .
-- outputs are addresses to put results in .

. how is go.lang outputting?
when go.lang says go f(x)
they expect f to either call an outputter
or have x be an outputting channel .

. instead of saying cpu#n(...)
just say co f(x, out), or y`= co f(x) .

8.24: adda/co/syntax:
. there are 2 forms of the function co
according to whether co is synchronous or asynch:
# co(f,g,h) -- co with multiple arguments --
expects spawn and wait .
# co f -- co with just one argument --
just launches f asynchronously .

8.31: co.self/dream/adda/co:
. the dream was something about
"(ways of doing backup for concurrency or ...)
"( ... and now that we can do that,
we can do this ...) [dream recall is too fuzzy].

1 comment:

  1. 12.8.30: news.adda/co/
    Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 90 (features parallel support):

    Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 90 (features parallel support)
    Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES IN FORTRAN 90:
    The Art of PARALLEL Scientific Computing
    (ISBN 0-521-57439-0). Copyright (C) 1986-1996
    -- fortran 77 was not interested in PARALLEL .
    -- that file is mentioned here, as being the source of
    a related algorithm: "IntroNum."
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