
optional ducktyping

adda/oop/optional ducktyping:
12.28: syntax:
. instead of optional typing,
what about optional ducktyping?
. the easy way to declare a local
is to have it's first use describe it's type;
ie, its declaration can double as its first use;
eg, v.t -- declares "(v) to be of type"(t);
and thereafter, the var's type ext is optional;
eg, v -- the var whose full name is v.t .
. in the case of ducktyping,
the first use has the null type;
eg, ( var. ) -- the dot at the end
assures the parser that you didn't
forget to specify the var's type;
rather, you want a ducktype compiled;
ie, the parser is to find the list of
operations that were applied to that var,
and declare that to be the var's interface;
eg, f(var.); g(var) .
-- that says var is a ducktype,
and its interface is: f(), g() .

12.28, 12.30: other:
. how are typed and ducktyped obj's interacting?
both {types, ducktypes} have type.tags;
but whereas a ducktyped object
carries the type.tag with its value,
the statically typed var stores its tag
in the local symbol table
of the subprogram where it resides;
ie, the symbol table storing a ducktyped var
will declare its type as null,
meaning to be delivered at run time .
. the type.tag is a pointer to the var's type mgt
which will have a dictionary of operations .
. during run time, the ducktype's type mgt is then
checked for having all the expected operations .

# a typed obj assigned to a ducktype:
needs to be wrapped in a type.tagged box,
ie, ducktyped obj = (value, type.tag);
and statically typed obj = (value) .

# a ducktyped obj assigned to a typed obj:
needs to be unboxed before assignment
(the type.tag is compared to the destination's expected type;
and, if compatable, the type.tag is stripped out,
and the remaining value assigned).
. the assigned ducktyped obj
then still virtually has the same type.tag,
only its statically in the symbol table
rather than dynamically beside its value .

review of the current stacking system:
. static types can help efficiency:
if a parameter is statically typed,
then the type's mgt can assist in
the typical amount of stack space
needed by the union of its variants
otherwise, the system can only plan on stacking
# a ptr to trailer (local heap); or,
# a ptr to readonly .

12.30: binary operations (biops):
. just like (statically) typed var's,
ducktyping can involve class clustering
where a biop's arg's can be ducktypes;
in these cases, the run-time is checking
that both arg's have a common supertype .
. an extension of that idea is where
any number of arg's can be accommodated:
# by checking all for a common supertype;
# by checking every arg's type for the presence of
a function with a compatible signature .

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