
parser algorithm for postfix operators

2.1: adda/syntax/parser algorithm for postfix operators:
. when checking for existence,
the word (is) could be used in 2 ways:
(is x) checks for existence,
(x is t) checks for x's type = t .
. another idea is having support for
english-style postfix operators:
then you could write (x exists)
and you'd parse this like an infix
except you're not looking for a 2nd arg .
. its syntax for being declared
could be similar to that of other functions:
myInfix(arg1,arg2:t).ReturnType .
-- anything with 2 args is an infix operator .

combined hardware-virtual isolation

addm/security/combined hardware-virtual isolation:
2.9: 3.31: intro:

. certain attributes of data are essential to security;
eg, by retagging arbitrary data so that it is
usable as a pointer to code,
we can treat malware data as instructions to follow .
. generally all data can be tagged
just as it is done by xml .

. there are 2 possible ways to enforce
process isolation and ROM attributes:
# HW (hardware) mem'mgt,
# VM (virtual machine) mem'mgt .
. hardware mem'mgt can enforce VM mem'mgt:
the VM's run-time exec never needs to change;
so, HW mem'mgt can see that code as const;
also, any file that the VM is trying to interpret
can be treated by the HW mem'mgt as
something that only the VM process can modify .
. finally, the VM has its own process space
and this should keep other processes
from corrupting its work space .

vmm (virtual machine monitoring)

2.5: addx/vmm/virtual dom0:
. just as addm is a VM (virtual machine),
addx is a VM monitor (vmm);
so it should do things like Vmware does,
only with some enhancements and extensions; eg,

pythonic software construction

2.2: news.addx/pythonic software construction:

Fred Brooks` Mythical Man Month:
. Brooks suggested we plan to throw one away
because we will throw the first attempt anyway;
10years later he noted that incremental development
can reduce much of that loss;
what he said still applies on a smaller scale:


platforms and requirements to target

1.23: addx/targets are {python, c, obj'c, parasail}:
. if parasail is not on all the needed platforms
the base lang should be obj'c not c;
because, obj'c has better programming-in-the-large features;
well, does it support concurrency?

concurrency4all Parallella

1.4: news.adds/Parallella/
concurrency4all got funding:

Parallella project will make parallel computing
accessible to everyone.
first seen here:
3.9: sign up here: parallella.org .

ratical.org and other libraries

1.6: news.adds/lib/ratical.org:
Today the internet is primarily described as
electronic commerce.
Before 1995 it was lauded as
a so-called information superhighway.
rat haus reality is guided by
the paradigm of web-as-library.
It seeks to implement a collection of
library reference materials
to assist students
in the classroom of life and our world.

10: web.adds/lib/e-books for free:

virtual machine for obj'c services

1.23: addm/
simulates obj'c when obj'c is not available:

adda`lib folder system

1.15: mis.adda/cstr/pkg/how do packages work?/
adda`lib folder system:
. I seemed to have missed the point of
de-anonymizing a type:

converting messy data formats

adde/universal conversion via screen scraping
adde/convert clonespy links
adde/browser/filename cleaner

user interface ideas

1.19: adde/gui/window resize needs a quick mode
adde/gui/backed by vcs (version control system)
23: adde/gui/message window/priority treed

managing self-modifying code

1.31: adda/managing self-modifying code:
(inspired by python unpickle vulnerability)
. the safe pickle is built by the system .
. it can be compared to the decompile,
how is it extensible? that is to ask
how are objects built in the first place?

exceptions ok unless requirements preclude

1.30: adda/cstr/exceptions/ok unless requirements preclude them:
. I thought Parasail's author explained somewhere
how exceptions really messed up multi-threads;
review my blog of that ...
. I decided a thread hang was no big deal;
in critical applications
exceptions are absolutely useless;
but if our point is to encourage programming
we should cater to all styles of thinking .
. we just need to protect the coder's user too: