
addx' filetyping

10.25: addx/filetyping:

. file`type"addx is the generic type for
files that are natively exe'able;
ie, when on a pc, .exe's are renamed .addx .
and on a mac, .app's become .addx .
. of course this naming is not imposed on the native file,
but appears with addx`file.types when viewed from within
the adde file sytem viewer .
. this naming applies only to exec'ables known to be generated by addx;
ie, when adda has generated a .c file
that was then compiled to native code,
the exec'able output of that is a .addx file .
. type"addx is a sign that the exec'able conforms to the
addx managed runtime
which is offering safety the way {mono, .net} does .
(as a sanity check it does a hash of the file to see if has been changed) .

. {adda, addm, adde} are usually in binary format
unless written to .txt files, eg, as x.adda.txt .
all addx binary formats having an exportable .txt equivalent .

. adda files open into an adde ide session
where you can modify, recompile, and rerun adda code .
. adda compiles to either c or addm,
and the c is passed to the native compiler for creating addx files
while the addm bytecode can be run by the addm vm .

. addm files open into the addm vm,
and may either start a bytecoded program,
or start up a dialog telling what the program does,
and offering the same things the context menu does:
the option to open in the ide,
where you can modify, and rerun addm code .

. adde files are saved sessions,
and therefore resume a desktop session when opened .
. windows to finder, editor, and ide are found the way you left them .

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