
unicode.org misunderstands the apply character

9.16: unicode.org misunderstands the apply character:
. U+2061 function application is used for an implied function dependence,
as in f(x + y).
To indicate that this is the function f of the quantity x + y
and not the expression fx + fy,
one can insert the nondisplaying function application symbol
between the f and the left parenthesis.
) [@] chapt15`page#508 .

. unicode has an implied (invisible)
apply operator f(x) => f[apply](x)
unicode.org's description doesn't quite get that:
they thought it was for noting f(x+y) meant that rather than fx+fy
but in that example, the paren's do that!
the point is that in any situ' where it's not clear that f is a function,
the apply character lets the editor know
that the terms {f, arg} should be kept together
so that the arg is not wrapped on the next line,
or that the parenthetical belongs to the previous name,
not the previous phrase .

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