

9.4: adde/ide/assisting while preserving:
. when building the etree
how to differentiate the user's etree
from the additions adde makes doing
autocompletion or correction?
. each subtree needing change
is replaced by a menu list:
{ the original subexpr
, the other choices that adde guessed,
"(other) --- means the user can clarify
. when the issue is resolved
then menu is replaced with chosen etree .

11.1: adde/logging:
. when reporting a msg,
it auto'ly includes path which hyperlink to source;
it also links to process,
so clicking log entry to an active process
will activate to front the window of that process
( the source path is nothing but link,
and then adde is adding the link's name for human use) .

11.7: adde/gui/shimmering selection points:
. if window frames had larger selection points
they might get in way of data, but if shimmering ...

11.9: adde/gui/impl'details:

. the view is a tree of rect's,
since a rect may contain rects
just as a tree contains subtrees .

. all atomic types have a rectangular image .

. convert mouse coords to window coords .
. after mouse coords to window coords,
convert again(conceptually) to obj coord;
ie, the viewing window rect will often be
much smaller than the obj rect
so the obj can be scrolled
which chg's the translation from view.point to obj point .
. this way you don't have to
chg all obj rect ranges just because of a scroll .

. each rect subtree has location ranges
and a list of subrects .

. word wrapping depends on
both the line size (column width)
and word size (character height
or prefered size of other atomic types):
. small words (having few char's)
have their own word code (they are word.atoms)
while larger words are
sequences of word.atoms (word.ules)
eg, anti-dis-establish-ment-arian-ism .

. height of atom determines height of line
but title lines are larger (or rarely smaller) .

. say most lines are 10pixels high;
then obj coord/10 gives approx line #;
so then can ask for coords of line's rect;
if coord greater than cursor coord
try prev'line etc .
. when a graphic is embedded in text
. the word wrap has to divide the current column
into 2 columns:
one for the pict,
and then the remaining space holds any text that was
between pict and the next newline .
ie, a pict placed at the eol [end of line]
means don't have any text beside the pict .
. you can see this as 3 text rec's
and one graphic rect .

. a simplifying idea (though not a surely portable one)
is that gui toolkits like the one on mac
can help you with the details if you
view text emedded with pict as
really being separate windows
that are made to stay together .

11.21: news.adde/what your doing now, only with a 2nd life added:
. The web today does not optimise for human behaviour.
When we use it we are usually alone and it is not live.
In a Second Life store you can see other people,
sit with and talk to them.
I envisage we will move a lot of what we are doing on the internet today
into these more lifelike, 3D spaces.

11.7: news.addx/portability:
. mouse-still-up is appreciated but not always available .

11.16: addx/admin vs user modes:
. admin mode is there to offer a safe user mode
for untrusted or naive users .
[12.25: it would be a filter allowing the user to do
some admin activities while also preventing
the sort of damage that would only occur accidently
or from vandals .

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