
key-mapped menu systems

10.19: adde/escaping with near-home keys:
. how to make it easy to get in and out of
text vs menu mode?
double enter brings up menu:
0..9 for number of enters to paste into text,
hit enter again to run the current code .
. then the rest of the menu is the familiar graphic
showing the most-used keys with icons or labels
of what function the key will launch .
. in case you weren't paying attention
and your text was accidently interpreted as commands
it has a record of your exact input
right up until the end of session
which is not something that can easily be done
without paying attention .

10.29: adde/keyboard-mapping icon sets:
. the way to select a random subset of icons quickly
is to place the icons in a matrix shaped like the keyboard map,
so each near-home key toggles the selection of an icon;
then tab.key pulls next set of icons onto the display;
finally, enter.key sets selection to paste`top .

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