
SBGN (Systems Biology Graphical Notation)

8.15: news.adda/SBGN notation:
. an effort to standardize the graphical notation
used in diagrams of biochemical and cellular processes
studied in systems biology.
Standard graphical representations have played a crucial role in
science and engineering throughout the last century.
Without electrical symbolism,
it is very likely that our industrial society
would not have evolved at the same pace.
Similarly, specialised notations such as the Feynmann notation
or the process flow diagrams did a lot for the adoption of
concepts in their own fields.
With the advent of Systems Biology, and more recently of Synthetic Biology,
the need for precise and unambiguous descriptions of biochemical interactions
has become more pressing.
While some ideas have been advanced over the last decade,
with a few detailed proposals, no actual community standard has emerged.
The Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN)
is a graphical representation crafted over several years
by a community of biochemists, modellers and computer scientists.
Three orthogonal and complementary languages have been created,
the Process Diagrams,
the Entity Relationship Diagrams
and the Activity Flow Diagrams.
Using these three idioms
a scientist can represent any network of biochemical interactions,
which can then be interpreted in an unambiguous way.
The set of symbols used is limited, and the grammar quite simple,
to allow its usage in textbooks and its teaching directly in high schools.
The first level of the SBGN Process Diagram has been publicly released.
Software support for SBGN Process Diagram was developed concurrently
with its specification in order to speed-up public adoption.
Shared by the communities of
biochemists, genomicians, theoreticians and computational biologists,
SBGN languages will foster efficient storage, exchange and reuse
of information on signalling pathways, metabolic networks
and gene regulatory maps.
) .

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